The f*ck are these boxes planing?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky…Try and take over the world! Read More...

do you know the real function of hashtag?
do you know the real function of hashtag? so that you stay integrated with your Leader!!! if your Leader tells you something important, you will know!!! if your leader makes plans to do revolution & war, you will be alert & ready to move!!!!!
#Globalist #Cabals #AntiNWO #ww3 #puppetgovernment #world #greatreset #trending #civilsociety #gaza #revolution #islam #khilafah #unvaxx #endtimes #survivalist #secretnumber #russia #hamas #yemen #indonesia #pinterest #anime #iran #rakyat #palestine #palestina #muslim #news #syria #lebanon #civilunrest
#global #update #community #forum #civilsociety #revolution #palestine #antiNWO #civilunrest #dystopia #ww3 #greatreset #chaos #collapse #disaster #endtimes #alert #news